SUR-CAD | 117
22 Vehicles
On standby!
Any Incident
Anywhere & Anytime!
CALL 117
This emergency line is owned and operated by SUR-CAD.

Suriname Central Ambulance Service (SUR-CAD for short), started in 2013 with a vision where every citizen has the right to Ambulance care, regardless of the condition, the time of day or the location of the incident. From that moment on the organization did everything in order to hold their mission and vision up high.
In 2015 both the first articles of association were put on paper and the first contracts were signed for medium to large events. At the end of 2016, the first major contract was received from Staatsolie Suriname, whereby it submitted a request for medical assistance in their operations. That was the breakthrough that led to greatness.
Ambulance Services
Ensures that ambulance care is available 24/7 for all situations that may arise, such as traffic accidents, clinical accidents, etc. This service is assisted by the local authorities.
Special Operations
The Special Operation Response Team (SORT) is responsible for projects coming from mostly Multinationals that require custom medical services . This line of service is operated by
Special Care Transport
This unit is responsible for transporting patients with certain disabilities that require special care, especially during transport. Sign up below for this service
Event Medical Services
We're the one when it comes to medical assistance during small to large events, where our medics are on standby in case of an incident of any nature occurs.
Medical Consultancy
SUR-CAD assists companies & organizations that want to invest and / or purchase medical related vehicles or equipment. Our experienced team provides the assistance from start to end. This line of service is operated by
Medical Retail Shop
On the premises of our HQ, SUR-CAD has it’s own medical shop where the demanded medical supplies can be found and purchased by both individuals and companies of any size. The shop is supplied by
What sets us apart from the rest
Besides the fact that SUR-CAD is one of few, if not the only one, that is able to provide medical assistance according to international standards in their operating area, we also have a positive track record in providing services to major Multinationals, mainly in the Oil, Gas and / or Mining industry. Needless to say that our organization will be by far the perfect choice when it comes to (emergency) medical standby for your team.
It is mandatory for every incoming passenger, regardless of their purpose, to have a locally issued medical insurance. Sadly, the insurance only covers the basics and doesn’t live up to the tempo of today’s company. That’s why we offer custom services in addition to the insurance, to guarantee your wellbeing, security & smooth operations.

Acknoweledged by
The Ministry of Public Health, Minister Amar Ramadhin, Drs.

International Standards
An operation, based on International Protocols, updated annually.

What They Say
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